Eight Views of Oneself *1, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *2, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *3, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *4, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *5, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *6, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *7, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself *8, 2016, 150x100cm, marker on paper

Eight Views of Oneself, 2016, 150x100cm, drawings, marker on paper
Viewer’s Shelf, 2015, 130x120x80cm, seating object, oak, metal, plastic
installation view: Kunsthaus Merz
2016, series of drawings, 150x100cm each, marker on paper
The drawings start from the artist`s body as outline, placed on the floor similar to a stone. They question an anthropocentric point of view and the relationship of object and subject.