Foamy Water – Ground Moving Makes the Sea Look Deeper, 2008, video installation
installation views Austrian Cultural Forum London
Emanating from the video projection, a landscape grid, analogue to the rendering software, extends out over the entire exhibition room. Individual tools, surfaces, and parameters are transported into the room.

Foamy Water – Ground Moving Makes the Sea Look Deeper, detail

Foamy Water – Ground Moving Makes the Sea Look Deeper, detail

Foamy Water – Ground Moving Makes the Sea Look Deeper, detail

video stills

2008, video installation, video 20′, color, sound, seating objects, adhesive film
installation views Austrian Cultural Forum, London
The video „Foamywater“ makes use of a tutorial format. The title is taken from menus of a landscape software program. Chapters of instructions for the rendering of an open sea – beginning with the area of one’s own desk – are ultimately unsuccessful.
The computer desk becomes a three-dimensional installation, quoting the spatial parameters of the rendering software and its inherent language. The office-box ceiling of the exhibition space is deconstructed and the panels’ backs are marked with the atmosphere titles of the landscape software. The plates are placed in the room while the screen flows out of the backlit ceiling – an underwater scenery.