Installation view FOX, Vienna Without title (Double) 201x97cm, 2021Ink on paper, installation view: FOX, Vienna Obstacle 59,4x42cm, 2022, ink on paper New Obstacle 59,4x42cm, 2022, ink on paperSubsequent, 42×29,7cm, 2022, ink and collage on paper Installation...
A BODY-INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY. FOR THAT WE LIE DOWN – PUBLICATION eine körperintelligente gemeinschaft. dafür legen wir uns hin. Publikation 2022editors: Claudia Heu, Almut Rinkbooklet: 96 pages, German and English, card-book: 27 cards printed on 9 papers, folded map,...
A PLAY, A ROCK, A LINE, A BOOK, A PATH, A HOME, A RAFT, A QUEST Installation 2021mixed mediainstallation view: Loosing Control, Vienna Art Week In the field of tension between the antinomies „loose“ and „tight“, the eight sculptures of the...
In her artistic practice Almut Rink is working with site specific sculpture,intermedia-installations, on-site projects and video on the topic of selflocalizationof the individual and its ability and incapacity to link with the...
Arbeitssequenz Verkehrsinsel Beim Schlump, Hamburg Juli 2021Fotos: Phillip Burkart, Claudia Heu, Almut Rink Arbeitssequenzen Joseph-Karlebach-Platz und Arie-Goral-Platz, Hamburg Juli 2021 eine körperintelligente gemeinschaft. dafür legen wir uns hin Präsentation...
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